Your Practice Can Be a Part of Our National Dentistry Health Awareness Campaign
We are looking for "A Few Good Men And Women" who want to change the Future of Dentistry in a Good Way. We are looking for leaders who think outside the garbage box. The A.D.A. Has Done Very Little To Change The Negative Perceptions of Dentistry In the Forty-Plus Years that I am Aware of.
I am told that the A.D.A does a nationwide Dental Awareness Campaing every year. Where Is It? And What good has it accomplished.? It seems that the A.D.A.'s stance on promoting the profession is:
It is up to every dentist to compete against everyother dentist for their "piece of the pie."
Instead of every dentist spending large sums of money each and every month to compete for a small piece of pie, there is a better soulution. If a few dentists would focus on "elevating dentistry" through educational messages that promote a greater awareness about the values and benefits of modern dentistry, every dentist everywhere would benefit. "A Rising Tide Raises All Ships in the Harbor."
Dentists that take this "High Road" approach with marketing that is good for dentistry, will have a direct benefit and gain a tremendous advantage over everyother dentist in their area.
If you are a small private practice dental office trying to compete against the "big box" dental comglomerates, this may be your best chance to effectively compete and win.
The success came from referrals and networking with several businesses that were close to his dental practice. In particular, a beauty salon near his practice referred several new patients each month.
The owner of the beauty parlor just loved talking her clients about the pleasant experience she had enjoyed over the years with her dentist. He, in turn, learned how to become a referral resource and looked for opportunities to refer his patients to many businesses in his community network.

Question: Would You Be Willing to Spend $3,000 to Generate $187,000 in Increase Production Using Just One Unique Idea?

One of Our Dental Clients Produced Over $187,000 in One Month Using Just One of Our Marketing Concepts.
Every Dentist that Enrolls to Becoming a Leading Dentist Will Receive a Bonus Program: How to Become the Recognized Leader in Your Area and Learn the Art of Developing A 100 % Referral-Based Dental Practice.
We Are Creating A Nationwide Dental Marketing Campaign to Promote the Health Benefits of Good Oral Care...and make make going to the dentist a "cool" and smart thing to do.
Why Are Offering Such an Incredible Offer? There Are a Couple of Reasons. First, Our Primary Website is Undergoing a Makeover to Reflect Our New Nationwide Programs. Second, We Are Doing This to Benefit the Entire Profession...and Even More Important to Bless the American People. We Want to Help America Be Healthy Again...and
Special Offer: Thru January 2025...$3,000 Lifetime Support to Help Grow the Dental Profession Nationwide...and benefit your practice even more.
This is an incredible offer that is extremely limited as we are launching our new Nationswide Dental Marketing Program. We will work with just one private dental office in your area. To be considered for this unique marketing program, you need to meet certain qualifications.
The Cost for an Entire Lifetime of Marketing Support is Just $3,000.00. Must apply before January 31st. 2025
We Are Creating a Nationwide Dental Marketing Program to Elevate and Promote the Entire Profession. Care You Join Us? The Entire Cost for a Liftime Listing is Only $3,000 if You Act Now Before 31 December 2024.
The Only Thing Extra That You Will Have to Pay For Are Tee-Shirts If You Want to Start a Grassroots Marketing Campaign. Many of Your Patients May Think That It is "Cool" to Be A Part of Promoting Your Dental Practice.

We Have Created Over One Dozen Interesting Marketing Concepts to Choose from.
Here is just one small powerful marketing success story:

Your Practice Can Also Be A Part of Our Nationwide Marketing Campaign to Help Change Dentistry's Image

Check Out: www.JustDoItSmile.com